This man was given a tour of Hell. The first thing he saw were men and women kneeling in Hell-fire praying. These wretched Souls were begging GOD for a 2nd chance. They knelled on red hot coals praying without end but their prayers will never be answered. This man saw an invisible ceiling which stopped all prayers, all cries, all petitions from escaping Hell.
He saw another group and out of all their shouts and cries He heard one man beating his chest shouting..."Stupid, stupid, stupid, why did I listen to the Devil!"
He saw great whirlwinds dropping people into Hell by the thousands. He was transported to a mountain which had prisons dug into the rock face. There, behind one of the steel grates was a man sitting on the floor crying his eyes out asking over and over..."Why am I in Hell? How did I end up here?"
The BIBLE, the WORD of GOD, states that in Hell there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. That is exactly what you will do if you end up in Hell because you refused to accept the FREE gift of Salvation offered by Almighty GOD through HIS Son JESUS CHRIST. It is NOT to late if you are reading this! All you have to do is ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Savior. HE will do the rest.
Take one step towards JESUS CHRIST and HE will finish it.
Please I beg you not to go to Hell.
If not for anyone else sake, be selfish choose HEAVEN!
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