Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jesus is speaking to the Children of HIS Soon Return

Testimonies of Children having Rapture Dreams... 

"My son Ebuka is 11 years old and will be graduating elementary school by July 13th. He woke up about 2 weeks ago and narrated how " a week or two after his graduation ceremony, there was a VERY LOUD trumpet sound that immediately pulled people away into the sky.  He said that the noise was so loud that the whole world heard it. Since then my son has been on the edge and insists that it will happen even today. His guess is end of July or early August. I am praying that this is TRUE!"

Another Writes...

Tonight on the drive home from my Mother and Father-in-law's house, my son (who is five) suddenly announced, "When I go up in the sky, I'm going to have a different name. My name is going to change." So we asked him if he knew what his new name is, and he said, "I don't know, but I'm going to be big like Daddy!" I'm telling you, I nearly stopped breathing. I have not talked with my son about the Rapture, and I am sure that I have never told him that we will have a new name in heaven. Light-heartedly we asked him more and he said " he was going to the fifth sky." and that it takes about three or four minutes to get there. :D We asked him when he was going there and he said he didn't know."

Another Writes...

My daughter just turned 9 and had her first Rapture dream!
She smiled when she told me.
She said,"When we get raptured,it gets very bright.It's a very powerful light."
I was amazed at this;especially since I didn't tell her about brightness occurring at the Rapture.  'From the mouths of babes..."

Another Writes...

I also had a dream a few weeks ago where I woke up and I could tell it was very bright outside although I knew it was after midnight. I got out of bed and went into the next room where I questioned a "presence" about the brightness and the "presence" said I was right, it is just after midnight and I should go outside and look. So I did. And looking up into the sky to my right I saw a humongous Jesus standing by a humongous white horse. After waking up for real, the thought going through my head was...
-It's later than you think. "

Another Writes...

"Out of the mouth of babes" My granddaughter spent the night last summer. In middle of the night she woke up upset because she couldn't find me. I had moved to the couch. As I finally got her settled down she said to me that she had a dream of going up to the ceiling. I asked her what happened then. She said I went thru the ceiling an into another house.Well my mind went to rapture..mind you at this tine she is only 2 1/2 yrs old. I ask the Lord for a confirmation. It came several months later. I have a picture of Yeshua taped up over my bed. We were laying down snuggling looking at the Jesus picture when she said..."Gramaw, when I go thru the ceiling to Jesus house I'm afraid I will bump my head."     Just last month I ask her if she wanted to ask Jesus to live in her heart. She was ecstatic an quickly agreed & we said a little prayer. She is 3 1/2 now."

Another Writes...

"Praise God!!!!! An 11 year old just walked in the room just now and told me "I had a dream last night.  Jesus told me we had only 2 or 3 more weeks till the Rapture" and that's all he said about his dream :D"

Another Writes...

Last year around the end of August I was staying with a friend for 2 weeks. One morning his 5 year old daughter woke up and came to see where I was.  She looked at me with the most perplexed look on her face and said "I dreamed you disappeared to Heaven." and then turned right around and went back to bed."

On July 31st a Wonderful Readers to this site Posted this addition to Children's Dreams of the Rapture

beck Wrote:
July 31, 2012 3:15 PM
My 5 year old had a beautiful dream a couple weeks ago. She said that "a colorful train pulled up in the front yard. The conductor got out and yelled "all aboard!" The 5 of us got in and the train went down the street and the train went up a ramp into the sky and over the clouds. Then the train stopped and the conductor yelled "off the board!" and we got off and the place was very colorful and there was a table full of a rainbow of food.

Then the other night she kept asking "Are we going to heaven tomorrow?"

Carlos Mwangi, a believer from Nairobi, Kenya wrote:

"...I was in the city center of Nairobi city, I had been sent by my mother to do some errands and I was now on my way back home.
As I was criss-crossing shoulder to shoulder I suddenly looked down for I felt very uneasy with my left shoe so I bent down to adjust.
I was very aware of my surroundings suddenly standing up I just froze and looked up and then leveled my head where I could see cars.
They all began crashing simultaneously and there were people falling at the same time because all over, graves were opening.
Directly above, to the direction I was facing, I saw a big angel with big triangular curved elegant wings with a golden trumpet standing in front of the other angels, and the line of these angels stretched back as far as I could see and he blew the trumpet a second time.
Then I turned to the opposite direction and I saw people flying towards a center and there was JESUS with ANGEL MICHAEL at his side.
It's then that I realized that the heavenly citizens were on opposite sides of the sky.
The music from the trumpet was sweet and loud and did not hurt my ears.
I don't remember the tune but it was inviting pulling me up to the clouds.
THE ARCH ANGEL who had the trumpet in front seemed to blow it continuously blowing a long key and the others behind him seemed to play Music but it was pure harmony all the same..the sky light was so bright like golden yellowish color.
It was around 6:00PM and it was a Saturday.
I noticed that people seemed confused at the noise, others were hysterical, as if demon possessed, because they held their ears and screamed in agony.
It then vanished as quick as it had started..."

 Lord Jesus Please Come NOW!

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Incredible Bravery of Salvo D’Acquisto

The Ultimate Sacrifice of Salvo D’Acquisto points to the Bravery that will be required in during the Tribulation.

Modern Italy has few war heroes: Marshal Badoglio, King Victor Emmanuel, Mussolini – their names do not appear on public buildings. The attentive tourist will only see blank spaces where stonemasons have done their best to erase the past.
Only one soldier from the period is honoured today; he has squares, schools and streets named after him, He is an NCO named Salvo D’Aquisto, who died aged 22. He has a simple tomb in Santa Chiara, the most beautiful church, in his native Naples, and in Italy they are waiting for him to be canonised; when that happens Salvo D’Acquisto will be the first soldier saint of the Second World War. He is one of many buried in beautiful Santa Chiara. By the altar there’s Robert of Anjou; on the other side of the nave lies Blessed Cristina, Queen of Naples, surrounded by a clutch of Bourbons. Salvo D’Aquisto is in exalted company.
He was the eldest of eight children: three died in infancy, one in childhood; the youngest brother is still alive and living in Naples, and is now in his late seventies. The entire family, including a formidable grandmother, all lived in one large room in the Vomero quarter.
They were not particularly poor by the standards of the time. Their father worked in a chemical factory. Salvo himself was a studious child, even bookish, but still left school aged 14, as working-class boys did in those days.
At 18, the minimum age, having done a few jobs in the meantime, he enrolled in the Carabinieri, the oldest regiment in the Italian Army, which carries out the functions of a police force. Archbishop Giovanni Marra, Italy’s military bishop, describes Salvo as tall, athletic and with limpid eyes, “a true son of Southern Italy”; and so he was in more than just looks. No less than four of his immediate male relatives had enrolled in the Carabinieri a sure sign then that there were few alternative careers available for a talented but poor Neapolitan. He enjoyed the military life. There are facts all documented by the beatification process. In October 1939, as a young recruit, he stood guard outside Palazzo Venezia, where the vainglorious Duce was even then itching to enter the war.
He spent 18 months in North Africa on active service; he was recalled, promoted to NCO, and had his last posting in a little village north of Rome.
But these are only facts: one gazes at photographs, reads his letters home, and speaks to his brother. From these pieces a mosaic emerges of the life of the man who now lies in Santa Chiara. “So quiet you would hardly think he was Neapolitan,” a schoolmaster of Salvo’s says. Much given to the interior life, perhaps?
One sees the young soldier paddling in the Mediterranean, in grainy black and white; or wearing a pith helmet in Libya, smiling. “You are just the type of Neapolitan girl that I have always had in my heart and so much prized,” he writes to his madrina di guerra, a young lady called Maria, who, as was the custom, had sent him her photograph, along with a picture of the Sacred1 Heart, to bolster his morale. “I’ll keep them both next to my heart,” he tells her. In these fragments we see a life.
A typical son of the Italian South? Perhaps. Certainly devoutly Catholic. But there is more than that: his letters to his parents and to his madrina di guerra have a peculiar quality about them. No one could write them today. In seeking the man who lies in Santa Chiara one enters a lost world of purity and innocence. But he was not a plaster saint; unlike so many Italian soldiers, he did not have the good luck to be captured by the British.
When Italy changed sides in September 1943, Salvo was at his post at Torrimpietra, north of Rome; Victor Emmanuel and Badoglio had fled to Bari in a convoy of limousines, but Salvo stayed put. On 23 September, a Thursday, a day of special Eucharistic devotion, he went to confession, Mass and Holy Communion.
His commanding officer had been called to Rome that day, and Salvo was thus, at the age of 22, the senior representative of the Italian state in Torrimpietra. At eight that morning a party of Germans arrived, wearing the uniform of the dreaded SS. Salvo, ever polite, went to greet them, holding out a hand only to be struck by a rifle and taken away without even time to put on his jacket. What had happened was this; the day before, the SS, in occupying a medieval tower at nearby Palidoro had caused an explosion. One German was dead, two wounded, and sabotage suspected.
Despite the fact that the explosion was accidental, the commander of the SS had decided on reprisals. Twenty two local men had been rounded up and were going to be shot unless Salvo could point out the person responsible for the supposed crime.
It was to be a long day.
The Italian prisoners were ordered to dig a trench, some of them with their bare hands. The process of digging their own mass grave reduced many of them to tears.
Only Salvo kept calm and tried to reason with the SS. In vain. It was only at 5pm that he at last succeeded in persuading the SS to let their prisoners go. One of the prisoners stayed to see the outcome, while the others fled in gratitude. He was a 17-year-old boy, and the sole witness of Salvo’s death at the hands of the SS firing squad. For Salvo had convinced the Germans that he was responsible for the imaginary crime, and saved the lives of the 22 hostages in so doing. “You live once, you die once,” he had told the boy while they had been digging the trench that afternoon.
These are the facts, but behind them lies a story of generosity, bravery and Christian charity.
Here is one Italian who did not run away; one man who, in the sorry history of the war, did something immediate to save victims of unjust oppression.
He had been to Holy Communion early that morning; he made his thanksgiving by offering his life for his brethren. But unlike so many on the way to canonisation, the dust of the cloister does not hang heavy upon him. He lived in terrible times, but by his action of giving up his life for his friends, he redeemed them.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Amazing Grace


John Newton's mother died just before he turned seven years old. In her short time with her son, Mrs. Newton eagerly taught him God's word and prayed that he would become a minister when he grew up. Unfortunately, in the years that followed, no one would have guessed that John Newton would ever be a preacher.

After his mother's death John's life took a turn that would lead him in a very different direction. While his father, the sea captain, spent months at sea, John was left in the care of his new stepmother. She really didn't want John around and he was left to go his own way. All that freedom was too much for John. His behavior grew worse and worse until finally his father began taking him on voyages to keep him out of trouble. Of course, the rough sailors did not provide the good influence John needed. By the time he returned from sea, he was even more drawn to shady characters and rough living. John seemed to have forgotten all that his mother had taught him in his early years.

The Capture

"Hey you," called the voice of a strange man John had seen staring at him earlier that night. John took off running down the darkened alley as fast as he could. His father had warned him to beware of the gangs of navy officers who captured young men, forcing them to serve on war ships. As John ran, several men closed in on him, tackling and then cuffing him. The men dragged John, kicking and screaming to a ship. He was thrown into a dark hole where he found himself with a group of other unfortunate young men. This time at sea made John an even angrier young man.

Away from GOD

By his early twenties, John Newton had become a rebellious person. Even the toughest sailors, known for their cursing and drinking, were sickened by John's bad attitude and foul language. He refused to follow the captain's orders and constantly made fun of anyone who believed in God. When John remembered what his mother taught him, he would try to be good, but his efforts would only last a short time.
One day while at sea, John began reading a book which left him convinced there was no God. At first John was afraid not to believe in God, but over time he began to like the freedom of not having to worry about answering to God someday for his doing wrong.
God, Please Help Me

One day during a long voyage, a fierce storm struck. The ship lurched and rocked as the violent storm raged. Climbing the huge waves, the boat plunged time after time, crashing into the ocean on the other side. With each fall, more and more of the ship's contents spilled into the raging water. As an experienced sailor, John Newton had ridden out many a fierce storm before, but never had he come this close to death. As the ship began to break into pieces and water rushed in everywhere, one sailor washed overboard. A few hours later when John faced certain death, he began to recall Bible verses his mother had taught him. John, who couldn't swim, heard himself cry, "Lord, have mercy on us." But then he thought, "What mercy can there be for a wretch like me"? As John began to tell God he was sorry for turning away from Him and for doing so much wrong, he began to feel peace in his soul.

When the storm ended, John realized that God had saved him from a sure death. He immediately went in search of a Bible and asked Jesus to save his soul as well. The Bible, which he had made so much fun of, now gave him the guidance he needed. John Newton became a Christian. The other sailors noticed that John no longer used foul language and he did not make fun of Christians. He didn't even get upset when others teased him.
The Slave Trade

John Newton made many trips to Africa to buy slaves, who were sold in the United States and the Caribbean. Even after becoming a Christian, Newton did not see anything wrong with slavery, like most others during his time. Later Newton did begin to see that slavery was wrong. He and a young politician named William Wilberforce joined others who spoke out against the practice. In time their efforts led to a law which banned slavery in England.

The Preacher

John Newton

Remember when as a little boy John Newton's mother wanted him to be a preacher? Well, it came true later in his life. He became the pastor of a church in Olney, England, and later a church in London. He also traveled around England telling about his adventures at sea and how God saved a wretch like him.

Besides preaching, John and his best friend wrote a new hymn for the church service every week. Can you imagine that, a new hymn every week! In all, Newton wrote almost 300 hymns. The best known of them is "Amazing Grace," which has become one of the favorite hymns of all time. When he was writing the hymn, he remembered the storm in which he almost died. "Amazing grace," he wrote, "that saved a wretch like me!" He remembered how wonderful it was to feel right with God at last. "How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed," it says.

Life is full of dangers like that storm. John's hymn reminds us of God's kindness in bringing us safely through difficult times. It reminds us of His mercy and grace to us when we didn't deserve help, and His good promises to us for the future--forgiveness and eternal life. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ronnie Posey, a man who died three times

Dead to Live Again

Dead to Live Again front cover
This is the miraculous story of Ronnie Posey, a man who died three times after being hospitalized for heart surgery in 2002. It is the story of the extraordinary faith of his wife Helen, who believed that God would raise him from the dead, and how she refused to have him disconnected from life support, even after doctors said it was time to bury him.
The third time Ronnie died, his soul and spirit entered Paradise. After spending 34 days there, God told him that he would return to Earth and tell what he saw.

  • What is the difference between Heaven and Paradise?
  • What does this place look like?
  • Who is there right now? What are they doing there now?
  • Do your loved ones who have died and are in Paradise know what is happening on Earth?
  • Where did your spirit come from?
  • What did God mean when He said, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you?"
  • What happens to babies when they die?
  • What about aborted babies, and others who die before they have a chance to be born?
  • Is there really a place called Hell? Who goes there?
  • How can you know with certainty that you will spend eternity with the One True God who created you?
Perhaps the most startling section of the book answers the question:
  • What happens to good, moral people who die without hearing a clear Gospel message of redemption through the shed blood of Jesus Christ?
  • What is this valley of decision that is mentioned in Joel 3:14?
  • What will happen on Judgement Day?
The most powerful message for the believer today is answered in the question:
  • How can you dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and live a Psalm 91 life, so that the enemy cannot touch you?
Ronnie Posey answers questions that not only Christians have, but also people who are involved in other religions and forms of spirituality. For those who are searching, this book will answer questions that might have kept you from accepting the Christian faith as true and authentic.

Ronnie Posey writes that you will begin to see people as God sees them, and gain a clear understanding of the grace, mercy, and love of God for all of His creation. You will know without a doubt that you are so important to God that He does not want you to perish, but to accept the gift of salvation and receive eternal life.

Ronnie died for the fourth and final time on May 14, 2011 and went home to be with his heavenly Father. He was 68. He would have reached his 70th birthday on April 5, 2013.

Here is a website with the last 4 Chapters of the book in AUDIO format so you can actually listen to the Chapters of the Book which are:

Chapter 1: Growing Up on Pepper Street
 Chapter 2: Opposites Attracted
 Chapter 3: A Tumultuous Life
 Chapter 4: Standing on the Word
 Chapter 5: Dead for the Third Time
Chapter 6: Thirty-four days in Paradise
Chapter 7: What you see, you will tell
Chapter 8: The abode of the dead
Chapter 9: The rest of the story


Friday, July 13, 2012

Prayer is NEVER in Vain

This True Story written by Annie Calovich is from the Catholic Culture site.  This is a real life example of Almighty's GOD'S love for the lonely lost sheep. There is no sin that JESUS CHRIST will not forgive. All you need do is ask for forgivness with a contrite heart and JESUS will be Faithful to wash you in HIS most precious blood. 

A monk, Brother Vianney-Marie Graham of the contemplative Clear Creek Monastery in Hulbert, Oklahoma, had long been praying for inmates on Death Row because he considered them "the abandoned of the abandoned."
He had a famous precedent for his prayers. St. Therese of Lisieux had prayed for the conversion of the notorious and unrepentant killer Henri Pranzini in 1887 and was able to read in the newspaper of his last-minute grab for a crucifix as he approached the scaffold. He kissed the wounds of Jesus three times before being guillotined.
In 2001, Brother Vianney-Marie decided to ask his superior for permission to write a few inmates, "to tell them not to despair, to tell them that God's mercy is available to them no matter what their crimes."
In deciding whom to write, Brother Vianney-Marie sought out the worst cases. He started with James Malicoat, a man who had brutally killed his 13 month-old daughter through a series of beatings over two weeks.
"When I first saw the crime, I thought, 'He needs a friend more than the others. Everyone is going to shrink back because the crime was so horrendous,'" Brother Vianney-Marie said.
He received permission from his superior to write to Malicoat, and did so for the first time on the feast of the Assumption, 2001. Malicoat took a month and a half to respond, dating his letter October 1, which is the feast of St. Therese.
Brother Vianney-Marie wrote faithfully to Malicoat and two other inmates once a month. "I would talk about their families, the way they were brought up," he said. "They would talk about themselves."
The monk said it was like shooting arrows in the dark, making contact with the worst of society's offenders from a cloistered Benedictine monastery. He had no idea where — or how — the arrows would fall.
Contemplative monks such as those at Clear Creek rarely leave the monastery. The monks work and pray in obscurity. Brother Vianney-Marie has a certain identity to outsiders only because he can be seen from the road tending the monastery's chickens.
Brother Vianney-Marie wrote to the inmates for two years. Then he decided to ask permission to go to Death Row once a year to visit them.
"I wanted to have at least some contact, so that they could see that the person they're writing to is a real person," he said.
He received the permission.
"He's been a monk for quite a while," said the prior of Clear Creek, Father Philip Anderson. "We wouldn't let a novice do it."
Visits to Death Row
Brother Vianney-Marie's first visit to Death Row, two hours away at the super-maximum-security penitentiary in McAlester, made him physically ill. "The atmosphere was so bad," he said. But he became more accustomed to it as time went on, and he used the infrequent visits to try to draw the inmates out of themselves.
He would tell prisoners in his letters and in his visits "not to worry, to be calm. The devil's going to try to tempt you to despair. Trust God and say you're sorry to God and the victim. It's got to be asked for earnestly."
He first met Malicoat on Sept. 17, 2003. Despite the fact that the monk picked the inmates for their awful crimes — and commensurate need for mercy — rather than their capacity for religion, they treated him with respect, and he was able to sense in them an instinct for God while he talked to them on a telephone from behind a thick glass window.
"I was always amazed that they were extremely polite. There was no foul language, which was absolutely great. I think later on they realized their unique opportunity to have a religious on their side. In the long run they said, 'There's a monk, and he's going to be there for the worst.' Subconsciously they would think in the long run this friend is going to get me out of a bind. An eternal bind."
Malicoat at first hesitated to talk about his crime. He said he was afraid of scandalizing the monk. But eventually, after Brother Vianney-Marie told him stories of the despairing people he used to work with at a factory before entering religious life, Malicoat unloaded a tale he'd bottled up for years.
Brother Vianney-Marie says that many prisoners on Death Row don't have a high school education or a family. They have a hard time even putting a sentence together coherently. Malicoat, he says, didn't know why he killed his daughter, named Tessa. He had been beaten as a child. He didn't know for sure who his father was. He was married but had been living with another woman, the mother of his child, when Tessa died of her injuries February 21, 1997. The mother was serving a life sentence for allowing the torture.
"Until that moment, he had been five years on Death Row and hadn't spoken to anyone about his crime," Brother Vianney-Marie said. He could see that the unburdening was a great relief to Malicoat. And then he thought to ask a question that might get deeper into the killer's mind and open it up.
"Do you talk to Tessa?"
The look of shock that passed over Malicoat's face — the only time Brother Vianney-Marie had seen him emotional — told the monk not only that Malicoat never thought anyone would ask him such a question, but that he had indeed been talking to his dead little girl. It was similar to the way Catholics talk to the saints.
"What do you say?" the monk asked him.
"Tessa, do you forgive me?"
An Opening for God's Grace
While Brother Vianney-Marie looked for and seized windows through which to reach Malicoat, the prisoner warned him not to push religion too hard. The monk sat patiently on the other side of the glass separating them and listened to Malicoat talk about his worries for his family, especially his mother, as they waited out the years until he would be put to death.
Between his visits, the monk wrote faithfully, urging Malicoat to pray for the right disposition and teaching him how to pray a perfect act of contrition. It was a painstaking three years of building confidence, holding back so as not to turn him off, awaiting openings for God's grace to slip through. The inmate would respond fitfully, often depressed.
"You're not there every day so you have to really pray," Brother Vianney-Marie said. "The friendship was spiritualized. I had to accept a weight on my shoulders. You have to be very open."
In a letter dated June 26, 2006, Malicoat informed Brother Vianney-Marie that his execution had been set for August 22 at 6 p.m. The monk's last full-length visit with him occurred on July 5. Brother Vianney-Marie referred to him, as he had often done before, as "my little Pranzini."
"Being a non-Catholic, he tried to understand. There was a nun who was praying for Pranzini. He understood the correlation there." At this point, Malicoat told Brother Vianney-Marie that he didn't mind being put to death. "He said, 'I've done things I'm not proud of. I'll have to present that to God.'"
That was just the kind of window the monk had been waiting for. "It opened it up to God's mercy. God always gives you those little moments. You have to be on your toes."
Brother Vianney-Marie told Malicoat that he was confiding him to the intercession of four people: Our Lady of a Good Death, St. Therese, St. Maria Goretti — because she had been murdered as a child and had forgiven her killer before she died, and her killer had repented — and an obscure child-martyr of the Catacombs, St. Bonosa.
Brother Vianney-Marie's prayers had never been the only ones directed to God on Malicoat's behalf. His brother monks joined theirs, and the community of the lay faithful that has sprung up around Clear Creek Monastery in northeastern Oklahoma was praying, too. Brother Vianney-Marie had asked a blind girl in a wheelchair to offer her prayers for Malicoat.
Enlisting St. Bonosa
St. Bonosa added another chapter to the story. Her remains had been found late for an early-Church martyr — on March 27, 1848, in the Catacombs of St. Praetextatus in Rome. Fontgombault Abbey in France, Clear Creek's motherhouse and a part of the Solesmes congregation of Benedictine monks entrusted with preserving Gregorian chant after Vatican II, was entrusted with the relics of St. Bonosa. During an anti-clerical wave that swept France later in the 19th century, the monks of Fontgombault were dispersed, and the relics were brought to the United States for safe-keeping.
It had been only in 2005 that the relics had been rediscovered, at a monastery in Idaho, and plans were made to have them brought to Clear Creek on August 30, shortly after Malicoat's execution. Brother Vianney-Marie enlisted St. Bonosa in his cause.
On July 20, Malicoat's lawyers informed Brother Vianney-Marie that the inmate's family minister would not be able to attend the execution. Malicoat had agreed to have a priest and Brother Vianney-Marie assist him instead.
It took a couple of days for the news to sink in. Then Brother Vianney-Marie realized that "everything is going to be possible now." He wrote Malicoat a long letter about Catholicism, losing some of his hesitancy, "explaining the faith in a gentle way and hoping he would have the right disposition. Telling him how to pray and ask for divine mercy and the forgiveness of the others he has offended."
"I told him a little bit about confession: that the priest has the faculties to absolve. It would be possible to make an act of faith in the Church. Then confess. The minimum for a Catholic that enables this vital sacrament to go ahead," he said.
Malicoat did not write back this time. It's Brother Vianney-Marie's experience that prisoners that close to death quit writing.
Father Kirk Larkin is the assistant pastor of a parish in Ponca City, Oklahoma, who had done prison ministry before his ordination. That had been a while. Out of the blue, one of Malicoat's lawyers contacted him about assisting at the execution. It caught the priest off-guard.
"At first I said no," Father Larkin said. His previous work had not prepared him for anything like this. "Then I thought, 'Maybe God has called me to do this.'"
He joined Brother Vianney-Marie in taking up the burden of Malicoat's soul, and several days were added to the agony. The execution was delayed to August 31. The monks found out that the arrival of St. Bonosa's remains would be delayed as well, to the same day.
The Final Days
In the days leading up to the execution, Brother Vianney-Marie had nightmares. On the night before it, he was so exhausted that he finally slept.
Malicoat did not. On August 31, the priest and the monk drove down to the penitentiary, arriving a little after 10, and proceeded to H-unit, the home of Death Row. Malicoat's lawyers met them with the news that they weren't sure Malicoat would confess to the priest or even see the two men.
"He was so petrified," Brother Vianney-Marie recalled. "He said, 'The last time I confessed it got me Death Row.' You just don't know the tension these guys are under."
But at 10:45 a.m., under their own tension, the monk and the priest were ushered in to see Malicoat. After days of trying to conjure up what the killer would look like, Father Larkin was relieved to see a human being on the other side of the glass. Brother Vianney-Marie had never seen him look worse. Malicoat was slumped over for terror and want of sleep. "It's inhuman," the monk said. He was given about an hour with his last visitors, and Brother Vianney-Marie wasted no time. He made quick inquiries about Malicoat and his family and then introduced him to Father Larkin, telling Malicoat that he could make an act of faith and confess to him. He gave Father Larkin the telephone.
Malicoat told the priest he didn't want to confess.
"James was truly concerned about other people more than himself at this point," Father Larkin recalled. "He told me, 'Father, I don't want to burden you with the horrible things that I've done and that have been done to me over the course of my life.'"
The priest, with nothing rehearsed, trying to pry open the window that Brother Vianney-Marie had cracked, turned to the Profession of Faith. He went through the Creed point by point, asking Malicoat whether he agreed with each article.
Brother Vianney-Marie, his active participation relinquished, could hear only the priest's side of the conversation. He was in agony. When Father Larkin turned to apostolic succession and how a priest could forgive sin, the monk imagined how much time the explanation could eat up and couldn't take it any longer. He got up and went to the back of the room, where he paced and prayed the rosary out of earshot.
"It was a terrible weight," Brother Vianney-Marie said. But at the same time, "I never felt so much support of prayer of others as on that day. It wasn't me who was there. It was everyone who was there."
Back at Clear Creek Monastery, the relics of St. Bonosa had arrived. The monks were processing with them toward the chapel, chanting the Litany of the Saints — and praying to the child martyr for the man who had made his own daughter the same.
As the monks were entering the chapel with the bejeweled casket of bones, Brother Vianney-Marie looked up from his prayers in H-unit to see Father Larkin raising his hand in blessing over James Malicoat. The monk had no way of knowing whether this was absolution. But he could be pretty sure.
"I just knew it was his confession," Brother Vianney-Marie said. "I was ready to jump through the ceiling."
A few minutes later and Father Larkin was beckoning Brother Vianney-Marie back to Malicoat. Their half an hour apart had closed a chasm. And opened the window.
"All of a sudden, he had this weight off his conscience," Brother Vianney-Marie said. "I told him, 'I don't think you're my friend, you're my brother.' He has all the same graces. I said, 'Are you ready to go?' and he said, 'Yeah.' There was a peaceful tranquillity. He realized what he had done and was man enough to accept the consequences."
Brother Vianney-Marie at that point became the last friend in the world who would speak to Malicoat.
"I wanted to make sure that the last contact from the outside, which I also meant for his mother, was 'I love you.'"
The priest and the monk went on to witness the execution that evening.
"It was vulgar," Brother Vianney-Marie said. "He was pretty brave." Malicoat's last words were to ask forgiveness.
"When I was watching it I was saying, 'Jesus, Mary, Joseph save him. Take him to heaven.'"
Father Larkin said the horror of the death could be seen in the reaction of the monk and Malicoat's lawyers. "They were physically hurt when he was executed."
None of Malicoat's family was there to witness it.
"It was true: He had been abandoned in prison," Brother Vianney-Marie said. "At the last moment, God's grace was offered and accepted. Which is a rarity. It doesn't always happen."
Hidden Monks and the Power of Prayer
The changes monks effect by their prayer and sacrifice are of the profound, culture-changing sort G.K. Chesterton referred to when he said: "Whenever monks come back, marriages will come back."
In exceptional cases, a monk can have a direct influence, but "the power comes from the power of prayer behind him," Clear Creek's prior, Father Anderson, said.
"You have a contemplative order whose purpose is just prayer and not ministry, but there's an overflow into the world. Most of it is invisible, in souls. Once in a while, God lifts the corner of the veil, and you see how it works."
Brother Vianney-Marie, he said, "was God's secret agent on Death Row."
After the execution, the monk returned to the monastery that night to find out about the timing of Malicoat's conversion with the entry of St. Bonosa's relics into the chapel.
"You can't imagine something more beautiful," he said.
It wasn't the only convergence of events. Brother Vianney-Marie found out only later that Malicoat's death had occurred on the same date, August 31, that St. Therese's Pranzini had been put to death.
"You can't tell me these saints weren't praying for James," the monk said.
To Father Larkin, the monk is "a real hero" who allowed himself "to be put into that situation with no concern for himself or the aftereffects, to be there for a convicted child killer.
"He was concerned for this man's soul when most people want to take this guy off the face of the earth."
While Brother Vianney-Marie said he could understand such a reaction, Father Anderson said of Malicoat, "his soul is immortal. Christ died even for him. Regardless of the horrendous act he'd done to his daughter, he's the lost sheep. Our Lord wouldn't care what he'd done — He'd go after the lost sheep."
A few days after the execution, Brother Vianney-Marie received a letter from Malicoat dated August 29, two days before his execution. In it the doomed man had written: "You will see, prayer is never in vain."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Spiritual Victory over Demonic Oppression

To Brenda: 

 Spiritual Deliverance is real!

Trusting and seeking JESUS CHRIST has changed my life and FINALLY I have victory.

I have been under the same oppression as you Brenda.   It was the Divine Mercy of JESUS CHRIST which allowed me to see how I had been tricked for almost all of my life by the enemy. 

Now, I can stand and fight the devil because I have the WORD of Almighty GOD as my sword and shield.   Now, when the enemy comes to attack my mind by tempting me to think negitive thoughts I resist the temptation and instead of following that negitive thought I would OUT-LOUD verbally declare the goodness of the Lord JESUS CHRIST.  

I didn't always feel it, but I began to ALWAYS declare it.  The word of GOD is LIFE.  Just speaking the word of GOD began to change me in ways I did not see at first, but now I do see and I am great full that I persevered in FAITH.  For it is by FAITH we are saved and that FAITH is received by the hearing and speaking of the WORD of GOD.  

Now, when the devil comes to attack my mind I don't have to be swallowed by all the negitive thoughts which use to consume me.  fall into it like I did.

I also know that I must stay close to Christ, keeping him in my thoughts because if I don't I can easily fall back into old ways of thinking. 

I bless God for deliverance and freedom from a darkened mind. 

Brenda, I am a witness to a victory of JESUS CHRIST and the word of GOD setting my mind free from negitive, troubling, condescending thoughts which use to plague me night and day!

Lord JESUS CHRIST lift my Sister Brenda up and free her mind as you have freed my mind so that she may have your peace Lord which passes all understanding.

GOD Bless you Brenda

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

23 Year Old Curses God & Dies Less Than An Hour Later TRUE STORY!

This is an AWESOME testimony from a young man.

He says that when he was 19 years old a gang member came over to his apartment and was going to beat him unconscious then pour Lighter fluid killing him.  Suddenly, the young man who was to be the victim had a revelation from the LORD to witness to this would be murder.  What happens next you have to listen to believe! 

This is a True story!

Almighty GOD is Merciful unto death!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Muhammad the False Profit


islam started when Muhammad, a seventh century Arab, purported to be the Messenger of god. . The Qur'an, he claimed, was a series of revelations he received directly from a nameless lord.

The inspirational experience was described by Muhammad to be like a bell, clanging in his head, causing him to shake and sweat profusely. These rather nasty experiences continued, he said, until he was able to decipher the message. Thus the Qur'an, Muslims believe, is god’s revelation to man through his final and most important prophet.

Yet only Muhammad heard these "revelations." He offered no evidence of his divine inspiration - we take the Qur'an solely on his word. The Bible, by comparison, had forty authors, all literate, who told a consistent story over the course of fifteen centuries. Muhammad, who was admittedly illiterate, acted alone in the formation of Islam and is alleged to have invented his religion over the course of twenty-two years.

Over a billion people live in nations controlled by Islamic principles the very same nations which are among the world's poorest, least free, and most violent.  These same nations are the fountain of terror, providing the money, men, motive, and means for mass murder world wide.This is the fruit of islam.  The BIBLE tells us..."You will know them by their fruit!"

There were ZERO miracles to prove Muhammad’s claim of being a godly conduit. There were no healings, walking on water, parting seas, raising folks from the dead, or feeding multitudes. And there are ZERO fulfilled prophecies, like the exacting and detailed predictions that Biblical prophets routinely made to demonstrate their divine authority.  However, the most troubling part about our absolute reliance on Muhammad’s testimony that he and his Qur'an were divinely inspired is that the prophet's character was as deficient, and his life was as despicable, as the worst blood thirsty tyrants who who ever lived.

The prophet's "ministry" in Mecca was filled with troubling episodes. Following his first Qur'anic revelation, Muhammad HIMSELF claimed to have been demon possessed. By his own admission, he tried to commit suicide. Those who knew him best, HIS OWN FAMILY and neighbors, said that he had gone mad. "He is a demon-possessed sorcerer fabricating scripture," they said, accusing him of plagiarism and of having purely selfish motives. They mocked his prophetic claims, ridiculed his Qur'an, and said that his preposterous notion of turning many pagan idols into the one God was insane. As a result of this verbal abuse, all chronicled in the Qur'an, Muhammad pledged to slaughter his kin.

With the Quraysh Bargain, the Meccans proved that Muhammad had established Islam to garner what he craved: power, sex, and money. The Satanic Verses, which followed, demonstrated that Muhammad was inspired by Lucifer...

Muhammad’s hallucinogenic Night's Journey to the nonexistent Temple in Jerusalem, confirmed that he could not be trusted. This flight of fancy was followed by the Pledge of Aqaba, where Islam turned political and declared war on all mankind.

Ninety Qur'an surahs were revealed during this period. They open with a score that mirror the style and content of Hanif poetry composed by Zayd, a contemporary of Muhammad. At this point, the prophet's revealing spirit was an unnamed "Lord." When we're finally introduced, we learn that the Islamic god's name is Ar-Rahman. And he is a dark and demented spirit, one who spends his days in hell. He deceives men, leads them astray, shackles them, dragging them to their doom. Ar-Rahman personally participates in hell's torments, turning men on a spit, tearing them apart, forcing them to eat thorns, pitch, and boiling water. His paradise is a brothel. Its rivers flow with wine, and multiple virgins satiate the carnal desires of the faithful.
The Qur'an takes us into a demented and violent realm. It’s a bad job of plagiarizing held together by a childish rant. Paradise and hell are both decadent and disgusting, more satanic than divine. And the Sunnah, which professes to be inspired scripture, is no better. Stroke by stroke they present an ugly picture of Muhammad, an abused child who became an abuser, murder, pedophile, thief, and all around criminal.

Having destroyed the "religion" of Islam in Mecca, Muhammad created the political doctrine of "submission" in Medina. He became a pirate, dictator, and terrorist leader.

Muhammad made up Qur'anic scripture to justify his horrific behavior.  All in the name of amassing copious amounts of sex, power, and money.   Pedophilia, incest, rape, torture, assassinations, thievery, mass murder, and terror, all in the name of appeasing his cruel god.

 Again, this summation simply reflects the EXACT words documented in the Islamic Sunnah and confirmed in the Qur'an.

When he was fifty, Muhammad married a six-year-old child. Then he stole his son's wife. After forcing young girls to watch his men execute their fathers, Muhammad then publicly raped them.  He tortured his victims to make sure no gold escaped his grasp. He committed mass murder, slaughtering jewish people in genocidal rage.

In ten years, he ordered a score of assassinations and conducted seventy-five terrorist raids. He used the sword to force Arabs into submission and used the slave trade to finance Islam. He was more interested in collecting slave girls and taxes than anything else.

He ruled through fear, terror and murder most foul, and his supposed god condoned it all.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Christian Missionary in Lesotho, South Africa

The following account is a testimony of a Christian missionary of Lesotho, South Africa.

One day Father Oblat was hiking across the high mountains of Lesotho Sotuh Africa, a rosary in his hand and prayer on his lips.  The faith filled Priest was there visiting with the few Christians spread across the distant scattered villages.  Suddenly, a vicious explosion of thunder struck him like a hammer, knocking him to the ground.   Getting up with the help of his catechist, blood running down the back of his head he gingerly began to walk forward.   His assistant having witnessed the power of the devil was very afraid and begged him to turn back.   The Priest under the unction of the HOLY SPIRIT said “The devil is annoyed because there is a soul crying out to be saved.”  Emboldened, the pair carefully continued their route praying even harder.


After many grueling days and nights climbing treacherous high mountain passes, the pair heard a lone weak cry emanating  from a distant remote village.  The good father stopped, “Someone is calling us, let us go there!” he said.  The catechist turned white with fear and begged, “No, not there, not that village, it is full of witches.  This is a trap, they are luring us in to kill us!"

Unfazed, the priest answered, “Perhaps, it is a trap, but if there is the smallest chance that there is even one soul to save there we must take that chance.  I must go and find out.” 

With that the priest set off to the village, followed by his terrified assistant who seemed ready to faint with each step closer to the village.   

When the pair arrived, several women surrounded the priest and hurriedly whisked  him into a tiny mud hut with animal hide for a door.   There Father Oblat found  an emaciated young  girl weighing maybe 60lbs about 17yrs old.  It was obivious by her appearence that she was at deaths doorway. 

In broken english, one of the women said, “She has been calling for you night and day.  She says she wants to be baptized by a Catholic priest so she can be with the beautiful lady.” 

The father knelt down close to the straw mat holding the dying girl.  Gathering what strength she had left and with great effort she said... “Are you a Catholic priest?” 

With Heavenly authority Father said boldly “Yes, I am.” 

Between her labored breathing she said “Then baptize me quickly. Please, please hurry…”

While the catechist was preparing things for the baptism, Father Oblat asked the dying girl a few questions to which she answered "YES!" without hesitation. 

 Without delay the priest gave her the sacrament of Baptism.  When he spoke these words, “Mary, I baptize you in the name of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY GHOST…” a radiant joy lit up her face and a new force of life flowed through her.

The priest took advantage of this betterment to ask her why she wanted to be baptized. She replied, “I had a dream: I saw a beautiful white lady wearing a belt the color of the sky. She smiled at me and kissed me lovingly. I wanted to get closer to her, but she said, ‘Not yet. , You must be baptized by a Catholic priest and then I will come and get you.’”

 The priest was deeply touched and he gave the dying girl a Miraculous Medal.  With great joy she cried out...“This is the lady! This is the one I saw!”

She kissed the medal with love, then, exhausted, she fell into a coma . 

Father Oblat blessed her and went back on his mission of visiting distant Christian villages.   He wasn’t very far down the road when one of the witches cried out... “She has passed away.”

GLORY To Almighty GOD who sends his Servants to those in need.  

The BIBLE tells us.."Ask and you shall receive."

Right now if you are lost, alone, hurting, in need, cry out to the Father in Heaven!  Ask JESUS CHRIST for Deliverance, Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to fill you with new life. And I guarantee you that Almighty GOD will be Faithful to answer your heart felt cry. 

JESUS CHRIST is Faithful and True.  All you have to do is call upon HIM.

HE will NOT let you down, I am living proof of this... 

GLORY Be To Almighty GOD, to HIS Only Begotten SON JESUS CHRIST, and to HIS Most HOLY SPIRIT    Forever and Ever Amen.