Holly O’Donnell, who turned whistleblower after leaving StemExpress, said the child was the most fully developed she had seen up to that point. She describes in great detail how the newly aborted boy was rinsed off and prepared for dissection.
Her colleague called her over and, according to O’Donnell, said, “Hey Holly, come over here, I want you to see something kind of cool, kind of neat.” O’Donnell said she was flabbergasted to see “…the closest thing to a baby I’ve seen.”
O’Donnell says, “I am sitting here looking at this fetus and it’s heart is beating and I don’t know what to think.” She said the child had a face. Its nose was very pronounced, it had eyelids and its mouth and it was still alive...
The medical technician said the child was quote "intact" and that they could “procure a lot from it. We’re going to procure the brain.” The tech told O’Donnell they would need to “go through the face.” Without a second thought, the medical tech took scissors and tore right through the child’s lower jaw up through the mouth. “That was the moment I, Holly O’Donnell, realized, that as a human being, I could no longer work for StemExpress.”
No matter how many times these people fool themselves, lie to themselves, lie to each other, abortion is murder most foul. The lie of the devil is that abortion is about women's rights. Just as the devil lied to Eve in the garden, so to, now the devil is lying to women the world over. Abortion is not about women's right, it is egregious, soul destroying, evil, which haunts many women later in life.
In ancient times women would take their babies and roll them into a fire underneath a molech statue, so that, they would have a bountiful harvest that year. Now, in modern times, women murder their unborn children because they are to busy having a good time. The only thing that has changed, is now it's done in a doctors office instead of a pagan shrine. The result is still the same the slaughter of the innocent children.
There is a GOD in Heaven and no one escapes HIS eternal gaze. There will be recompense for each and every murder of an unborn child. No, man or woman will escape GOD'S justice. No reason on earth will be sufficient to assuage Divine reckoning on Judgement day.
At the final judgement, when you are standing face to face, before both GOD and your unborn child... What will you say? What could anyone possibly say as a defense for murdering their own unborn child?

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